Friday, October 17, 2008

Armanen Rune Tyr For Protection


Attract the Norse God Tyr's courage into your life. Learn how to breath in the energies of courage using a print of Tyr and his run symbol TYR.

We live in very difficult times. A great rune master once said that of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, "GREED" is destroying mankind riding the horse called "FEAR."

Fear vibrations over whelming the minds and emotions of all the people in the country. The media, the movies, the TV, the medical world, the schools are all spewing out fear. The world has become so small that even the fears of the starving third world nations are inundating our land with fear.

Fear is a very powerful incoming vibration sent mentally, emotionally, subtly and subliminally. Once it gets into your mind and aura the vibrations become harmful to your health and well being. You become one of the mindless people who only obey, consume and follow orders.

Norse God Tyr and his Rune. There is help for the Nordic/Germanic peoples. We have within our blood and DNA the vibrations of our ancestral soul. We have resonant frequencies to our Northern pantheon of god/goddesses. We have the powerful vibrations of the runes within us. We must activate these vibrations out from our DNA and memory banks and place them into our aura.

What ever energies we carry in our auras attracts its physical counterparts into our lives. Fear in our aura attracts fearful events, ill health and slavery from the outside world and into our lives.

Time to use the courage of the Norse God TYR and his rune to combat and eliminate incoming fear vibrations. We need outgoing courage vibrations. By carrying the Norse God Tyr and his rune in our auras we will be constantly projecting a shield of courageous energy into the world. We will help all around us. This runic shield can be built with practice and patience. Soon it will radiate a screen that extends seven feet all around us.

No fear energies will be able to get through our courageous aura and into our minds, bodies and emotions.

The Age of Aquarius is upon us and will be with us for the next 2000 years. A new paradigm for contacting our Nordic gods/goddesses and attracting the protective energies o the rune are needed. Guido Von List has updated the runes with his Armanen 18 rune futhork. We don't need to go into the woods and play viking games and use outdated viking rituals. We can do it from the safety and peace of our own homes. This is part of the new paradigm.

The new Laws of Quantum Physics tell us how do do this. They state that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. Everything that ever was, is or will be exists there. There is no time there only the NOW!. All the gods/goddesses of our ancestors are there. The runes are there. They have always been there.

These new Laws of Quantum Physics tell us thoughts are things and we can contact and attract into our aura what we think about. Symbols are keys to the energies in the quantum ocean.

What we need to do is attract the energies of Tyr's courage out of the quantum ocean and into our auras. We have the necessary resonant frequencies within our blood and DNA to support these energies.

To get the energies of Tyr and his rune into our auras we must "breath them in." Start by printing out the Tyr print and the Tyr rune at the bottom of this page. Get comfortable in your favorite chair and relax. Now look at the picture or Tyr and the rune THORN. Concentrate. Take a deep breath and mentally say:

"I am now inhaling the courageous energies of the Norse God TYR and his rune THORN out of the quantum ocean and into my aura."

Do this at least three times in one sitting and as many times during the day as you wish.Each time you will strengthen the courageous vibrations within your aura.

Be consistent and slowly but surely you will begin to feel more courageous and less fearful. The energies of TYR and his rune will not only block out all fearful vibrations from entering and effecting your aura, they will surround you and project courage out from you and push all fear away.

In these difficult times we all need the courage of the Norse god Tyr and the protection of his rune in our lives.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, radionics, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Guido Von List Armanen Rune THOR For Protection


Attract the Norse God Thor and his Rune Thorn into your life for protection. We live in very dangerous times. Not only is it very dangerous to walk the streets at night, it is also very dangerous to be passive. When I talk about passive I do not mean only physically passive, I mean mentally passive as well.

The new Laws of Quantum Physics have revealed to us several important scientific facts. As our solar system spirals through our Galaxy we enter different Galactic energy fields of Ages. Every time we enter a new energy field we need a new paradigm to live by.

The astrologers have classified these fields as ages. The Age of Pisces, which we have been in for the past 2000 years is gone. And now the Age of Aquarius, which we will be in for the next 2000 years, is with us.

Each age brings with it different energies; different rules on how to use these energies and a new way to live our lives. The Laws of Quantum Physics will be the new bible for some and the new Edda's for us.

These laws tell us that thoughts aer things and that all is energy. We are energy beings and we are constantly sending and receiving energies. We receive other's thoughts. What kinds of thoughts are we unconsciously receiving from others that are acting upon us?? Danger. Danger. Danger. We are allowing others to control our minds and actions.

Thor and Rune Thorn to the rescue. We need their protective energies to stop these intruding thoughts. Thor and Rune Thorn exist. The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean. Everything that ever was, is or will be exists there. There is no time there.

Thor and all the gods/goddess of the North exist there. The Runes exist there. This is the new paradigm of energy that the Age of Aquarius is bringing us. It is now time to get in tune with this new paradigm and bring Thor and his Rune Thorn out of the Quantum Ocean and into our lives.

How? Well since we are energy beings we have an energy shield that surrounds us called our Aura. What ever energies we allow into our Aura will attract their physical counterpart into our lives. Thoughts are things plus Law of Attraction.

Protect yourself and your loved ones. Don't be passive to all the TV advertisements and media lies; all the politically correct thoughts that seek to keep you living in fear and passivity. All the thoughts that are against your Nordic/Germanic ancestral soul.

Bring Thor and his protective Rune THORN into your Aura. By having these energies in your Aura they will set up an outgoing protective energy that will negate and block the incoming fearful and controlling energies.

Start to do this slowly but do it daily. Every morning before you leave for work sit quietly and hold the Rune THORN and the picture of THOR (you can find these at the bottom of this page. Print them out) and look at them intently.

Mentally say "I AM NOW INHALING THE PROTECTIVE ENERGIES OF THOR AND HIS RUNE THORN OUT OF THE QUANTUM OCEAN AND INTO MY AURA." Three times before you go out. These energies will work their way into your Aura and protect you.

When you step through the door see and feel Thor standing there waiting for you. Take him with you walking, driving your car, in the subways, malls, everywhere.

Eventually the energies of Thor will be so strong in your Aura that all the harmful energies of the world will feel his power and give way before you. Harmful and dangerous thoughts will be blocked and not allowed to enter your Aura to harm you. Start today and every day.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, radionics, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Sunday, October 12, 2008



Remember to print out the large FA Rune at the bottom of the page.

The Armanen Runes are keys to the Creative Energies of the Universe. Runes are symbols and therefore the most powerful tools available for you to use. There are three keys for the successful use of Armanen Runes.

(1) Use only one rune at a time for your mediation's, exercise or rituals. Runes are like electronic Carrier waves. They carry more than one energy at a time within their symbolic matrix. For best results single out just ONE of the energies you wish to attract from the quantum ocean and into your life.

(2) You must learn how to get the energies of the runes out of the quantum ocean and into your aura. What energies you carry in your aura attracts their physical counterpart into your life.

(3) PATIENCE. The energies contained within the runic energy matrix will instantly appear at the periphery of your aura. There is no nor space in the quantum ocean, only the "here-now." So when you contact the runic energies in the quantum ocean they automatically appear near you. What stops them from automatically entering your aura are the false negative energy matrices you have built up. Your fear of success, love or wrong health ideas are in your aura. You have unconsciously place them there. They are like a solid brick wall stopping the runic energies from entering you. This is the one most important fact that others don't tell you. You are stopping your own health, wealth and love.

BUT, runic energies are very powerful and they will slowly and steadily break through and dissolve the negative blockages from your aura. This is guaranteed. It is part of the Laws of Quantum Physics. All you need to do is be PATIENT and don't doubt.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that everything that is, was or ever will be exists in an infinite ocean of intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. The runes exist there and have always existed there.

Guido Von List manifested the 18 rune Armanen Futhork out of the Quantum Ocean in the 20Th century. They are fresh and powerful and have not been polluted like the 24 rune futhork that has been popularized by so many want to be rune masters and magicians. Blume really put the final nail in the coffin of the 24 rune futhrok with his BLANK RUNE. There is no such runic energy matrix in the quantum ocean that stand for NOTHING!

To get more information about the Armanen Runes surf the net and read about these three Armanen Rune Masters. Siegfried Adolf Kumer, Rudolf John Gorseleben and Guido Von List. Don't forget the most modern rune master, Karl Hans Welz.

You must learn to get the Rune FA into your aura to attract the money you desire. We are energy beings and what energies we carry in our auras attracts their physical counterparts into our life. Money energy in your aura = money in your pockets.

Learn to breath in the runic energies. Take the rune symbol at the bottom of this page and hold it in front of you. Gt quiet and take a deep breath while looking at the rune.

Mentally intone" "I am now breathing in the money attracting energy of Rune FA out of the quantum ocean and into my aura." Do this three times. Then go about your business and give the runic energy time to work on your aura.

How long? One day? One week? One year? How many blockages do you have? Have thick is your wall? PATIENCE. Repeat this every day and reinforce it constantly without doubt.

By looking at the FA rune and consciously breathing it in you are actually touching the rune FA money energy in the quantum ocean. You are thinking about it. What you think about you attract.

The money energy of the FA rune will be there at the edge of your aura awaiting entrance. It will work its way in. Money will be attracted to you. REPETITION AND PATIENCE!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, radionics, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Guido Von List Armanen Rune Futhork


Rune symbols are very powerful. You can use them to enhance your life for the better. They are keys to the Creative Energies of the Universe. Guido Von List, the great German mystic and rune master, gave us a new modern day insight into the runes.

He had a very similar experience as Odin, the All Father of the Norse Gods head. Odin hung upside down on the Yggdrasil Tree for nine days and nine nights till he finally reached down and grasped the runes. From where?

Guido Von List has cataract surgery and as he lie in bed in a German hospital he had a similar experience.

In his semi blind state he also reached down and brought forth the 18 runes of the Armanen Futhork. Where did he and Odin reach down to to get the runes?

Now that we are in the Age of Aquarius we have the answer. We now have the Laws of Quantum Physics. These laws simply state that there exists and infinite, intelligent ocean of thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean. Everything that ever was, is or will be exists there.

There is no time there. No past, present nor future. Only the "NOW!" There is not space there. Only the "HERE!" We live and move and have our being inside the "HERE-NOW!"

The runes exist in the Quantum Ocean now and have always existed there. They are the keys into the other energies within the Quantum ocean.

The Quantum Ocean, in reality, is the Mind Of God. We can commune directly with the Mind of God with our thoughts. Thoughts are things. Thoughts are keys to the Universal Energies within the Quantum Ocean.

We can also communicate with the Mind of God, the Quantum Ocean through symbols. The rune symbols are the most powerful keys known to mankind. We can use them to attract health, wealth and love into our own life.

There are many ways we can use the runes to attract the energies we want out of the Minds of God, the Quantum Ocean.

We can simply look at a rune symbol and make the mental radionics connection. We can meditate on them. We can breath them into our aura. We can attache them to a radionicss device. You can place them under an orgone generator. Or we can simply carry them with us of wear them on our bodies.

Each of these methods will be explained in following articles. I will be talking about and using the Guido Von List 18 rune Armanen Futhork.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, radionics, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at: